3Commands by Subsystem


(see page 530)

Command Syntax :DISPlay:DATA [<format>][,][<area>][,][<palette>]<display data>

<format> ::= {TIFF}

<area> ::= {GRATicule}

<palette> ::= {MONochrome}

<display data> ::= binary block data in IEEE-488.2 # format.

The :DISPlay:DATA command writes trace memory data (a display bitmap) to the display or to one of the trace memories in the instrument.

If a data format or area is specified, the :DISPlay:DATA command transfers the data directly to the display. If neither the data format nor the area is specified, the command transfers data to the trace memory specified by the :DISPlay:SOURce command. Available trace memories are PMEMory0- 9 and these memories correspond to the INTERN_0- 9 files in the front panel Save/Recall menu.

Graticule data is a low resolution bitmap of the graticule area in TIFF format. This is the same data saved using the front panel Save/Recall menu or the *SAV (Save) command.

Query Syntax :DISPlay:DATA? [<format>][,] [<area>][,] [<palette>] <format> ::= {TIFF BMP BMP8bit PNG}

<area> ::= {GRATicule SCReen}

<palette> ::= {MONochrome GRAYscale COLor}

The :DISPlay:DATA? query reads display data from the screen or from one of the trace memories in the instrument. The format for the data transmission is the # format defined in the IEEE 488.2 specification.

If a data format or area is specified, the :DISPlay:DATA query transfers the data directly from the display. If neither the data format nor the area is specified, the query transfers data from the trace memory specified by the :DISPlay:SOURce command.

Screen data is the full display and is high resolution in grayscale or color. The :HARDcopy:INKSaver setting also affects the screen data. It may be read from the instrument in 24- bit bmp, 8- bit bmp, or 24- bit png format. This data cannot be sent back to the instrument.

Graticule data is a low resolution bitmap of the graticule area in TIFF format. You can get this data and send it back to the oscilloscope.


Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference

Page 164
Image 164
Agilent Technologies 5000 Series manual DISPlayDATA