3Commands by Subsystem


(see page 530)

Command Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:PATTern:DATA <value>,<mask> <value> ::= integer or <string>

<mask> ::= integer or <string>

<string> ::= "0xnnnnnn" where n ::= {0,..,9 A,..,F}

The :TRIGger:SPI:PATTern:DATA command defines the SPI data pattern resource according to the value and the mask. This pattern, along with the data width, control the data pattern searched for in the data stream.

Set a <value> bit to "0" to set the corresponding bit in the data pattern to low. Set a <value> bit to "1" to set the bit to high.

Set a <mask> bit to "0" to ignore that bit in the data stream. Only bits with a "1" set on the mask are used.

Query Syntax :TRIGger:SPI:PATTern:DATA?

The :TRIGger:SPI:PATTern:DATA? query returns the current settings of the specified SPI data pattern resource.

Return Format <value>, <mask><NL>

See Also "Introduction to :TRIGger Commands" on page 313

":TRIGger:SPI:PATTern:WIDTh" on page 377

":TRIGger:SPI:SOURce:DATA" on page 379


Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference

Page 376
Image 376
Agilent Technologies 5000 Series manual TRIGgerSPIPATTernDATA