Obsolete and Discontinued Commands 5


Command Syntax


(see page 530)

:EXTernal:PMODe <pmode value>

<pmode value> ::= {AUTo MANual}

The probe sense mode is controlled internally and cannot be set. If a probe with sense is connected to the specified channel, auto sensing is enabled; otherwise, the mode is manual.

If the pmode sent matches the oscilloscope's setting, the command will be accepted. Otherwise, a setting conflict error is generated.

The :EXTernal:PMODe command is an obsolete command provided for compatibility to previous oscilloscopes.

Query Syntax :EXTernal:PMODe?

The :EXTernal:PMODe? query returns AUT if an autosense probe is attached and MAN otherwise.

Return Format <pmode value><NL>

<pmode value> ::= {AUT MAN}

Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference


Page 469
Image 469
Agilent Technologies 5000 Series manual EXTernalPMODe