Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands dspcds
Display Cards
Displays high-level information for all the cards in the node. For more detailed information about a ca rd,
execute dspcd on the CLI of that card . T he in f orm a ti on th at dspcds provides is the:
Revision level of the boot firmware
Revision level of the system software
Date and time of command execution, including GMT offset
Backplane serial number and i ts h ar d ware revi sio n level
The IP address of the statistics m aster (a workstation)
Type of card in the front and back slots an d th e ( act ive/sta nd by) s ta te o f ea ch
Alarm status for each card and th e s he lf it sel f
Redundancy configuration for each slot
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Related Commands
dspcd, version
Log: no log State: active, standby, init Privilege: ANYUSER