Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands
Using the example of axsm_002.000.000.001.fw, the version is 2.0(1.1). Similarly, if no patch were
present, the version n um ber would be 2.0(1).
Pre-release, developmental versions have one or two alphanumeric characters at the end of the version
number, and these versions may appea r in various contexts. For example, the he l p dis play for setrev
gives examples of revision, but only the fir st two in the following list could be in re leased product. These
two bullets show major release 2, minor release 1, and the minimal maintenance number of 1. The last
three bullets show developm e ntal revision numbers:
2.0(1) Note the absence of a patch number.
2.0(1.248) Note the patch number is 248.
2.0(0.1)A1 Note the phase number is A1.
2.0(0.10)D2 Note the phase number is D2.
2.0(0.248)P1, 2.0(0.1)P2, 2.0(0.113)P3, 2.0(0.10)P4
Note The setrev command resets the active PXM45 o nl y i f th e r evis io n cha nges on t he ac tive ca rd a re a
result of the setrev command.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
setrev <slot> <version>
Note With the current rel ea se , the prim a ry an d se co nd ar y im ag es ar e th e s ame . For th is r eas o n, you d o not
specify the secondary revision, so the syntax line indicates only version.
Syntax Description
Related Commands
loadrev, runrev, commitrev, abortrev, dspversion, dspcd
slot Slot number of the card targeted for firmware specification.
version An alphanumeric string derived from the name of the firmware file. For an explanation
of the numbering scheme, see the sectio n , Version Numbering Conventions, earlier in
the setrev description.
Log: log State: active Privilege: SERICE_GP