Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands dspclkalms
Display Clock Alarms
Displays alarms associated wi th th e pr im ary or secondary clock source.
The switch constantly monitors the state of the clocks. On the local node, the clock monitor declare s an
alarm if the clock becomes unde tec table or goes out of specification f o r any r easo n. Th e d efi ni ti on o f
each alarm severity comes from Bel lcor e T R-NWT-000474. An alarm can be:
Critical, indicating complete, non-recoverable failure, loss of data, and d o on. The failed entity must
be restored. A power failure or a line being disconnected is an example.
Major, indicating service-affecting e rrors. This event indicates that a maj or se rv ic e i s d ama ged or
lost, but the existing traffic is no t a ffected.
Minor, indicating non-service affecting errors or errors on a remote node. Corrective action is
appropriate to prevent a serious fault from developing. An example is a fan failure, where no
subscribers are immediat ely affected, but calamity cou ld result if the situation p ersists. Note that an
accumulation of lower-level alarms does eq ua l a h igher-level alarm.
The dspclkalms command is part of a hierarchy of troubleshooting commands you can execute on the
PXM45 or a service module. Frequently, dspclkalms follows the higher-level command dspndalms.
The dspndalms command shows a variety of alarms w it hin th e s w i tch a nd helps isolate the problem.
The dspndalms and dspclkalms commands run on the PXM45. If the errored clock source appears to
be on a service module, you c an cc to the CLI of that card and execute a variety of alarm commands and
other troubleshooting commands.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Syntax Description
This command takes no parameters.
Related Commands
dspcdstatus, dspndalms, dspalm, dspalms, dspclksrcs, cnfclksrc
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