Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter8 Network Optimization Commands
Available Igr Bandwidth The amount of bandwidth that is currently available in the ingress
Available Egr Bandwidth The amount of bandwidth that is currently available in the egress
EXCEPT -- VALUES The Except Values display the currently available bandwidth (Avl
Bw) and currently available channe ls ( Avl Chnl ) fo r eac h cla ss of
SERV-CATEG Service Category: The Class Of Service: VSI-SIG, CBR, VBR-RT,
VAR- TYPE Variable Type: The available bandwidth (Avl Bw) or the available
channels (Avl Chnl).
VSI - SIG Virtual Switch Interface Sign ali ng :
CBR Constant Bit Rate: Used for co nnections that require a high Q oS and
strict cell delay variation (CDV).
VBR-RT Variable Bit RateReal Time: Used for connecti on s th at have burst
traffic and that require a strict ce ll de la y var ia ti on (CDV ).
VBR-nRT Variable Bit Ratenon-Real Time: Use d for c onn ect io ns t hat do n ot
require end to end timing.
UBR Unspecified Bit Rate: Used for conn ect ions that can allow any
amount of data, up to a specified maximum, to be transmitted, but
with no guarantees in terms of cell loss rate and delay.
ABR Availa bl e Bit Rate : Used for con ne cti ons t hat do not requi re tim ing
relationships between source and destination endpoints. ABR
provides no guarantees in terms of cell loss or delay, and provides
only a best-effort service. Cell rates are adjusted in response to the
state or condition of the network and its ability to successfully
deliver data.
Table8-5 Interface Load Info Descriptions (continued)
Field Descriptions