Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands
-pgId The peer group ID (pg-id) identifies a PNNI peer group. (A PNNI peer
group consists of all logical nodes with matching pg-ids. In a group of
single-peer nodes, each switch has one logical PNNI node.)
The number of 8-bit bytes in the peer group ID (pg-id) is 14. However, the
value of the level parameter is the number of b its that are actually used for
the peer group ID. For example, with the default level of 56 bits (7 bytes),
only the first 7 bytes o f th e peer group ID are relevant. Regardless of the
number relevant bytes, t he a p pl icable display comm a nds always show 14
bytes for a peer group ID and fill in the irrelevant byte positions with 0s.
Default: The Cisco de fault appears in Figure 5-1.
-enable Specify the administrative state o f the PNNI node. Most app lic ati o ns u s e
the defaultnode enabled. However, you can add a node in the disabled
state according to the necessities of your implementation. For example,
you might want to configur e the PNNI protocol but not be ready to enable.
Later, you can enable i t by e xec uting cnfpnni-node -enable true.
true:Enable this logical node.
false:Disable this logical node.
Default: true
-transitRestricted Specifies whether this node ca n a ct as a transit node. You can restrict
transit to secure th e n od e o r to mi ni mi ze th e tr affic on a node that e i the r ha s
low-capacity or is high-priority.
on: Allow calls to transi t t h is n o de .
off: Allow only call that terminate on this node.
Default: off
-complexNode The current release suppor ts only SPGs, so this parameter currently has no
effect. The complexNode paramete r s p e cifies whether the node is
complex. Complex nodes exi st on ly above the lowest node in the hierarchy.
on:This node is a complex node.
off:This node is not a complex node.
Default: off
-branchingRestricted The current release does not su pport poi nt- to-m ulti po in t branc hing , so t hi s
parameter has no effect. The branchingRestricted parameter specifies
whether the PNNI node disallows point-to-multipoint branches. To enable
or disable branching, this para met er a ctua lly t ur ns on or off the restriction:
To disallow branching, type -branchingRestricted on.
To allow branching, type -branchingRestricted off.
on:Do not allow point-to-multipoint branches.
off: Allow point-to-mu lt ipoint branches.
Default: on