Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands
Configure Node Parametersconfigure diverse parameters for the node.
The cnfndparms command lets you specify numeri cal valu es or en ab le s for a divers e set of no d e- level
parameters. This co m m a nd has parameters that consist of an option n um ber and a value or a ye s/no
option. The configuration resides in non-volatile RAM and thus survives a system reset or power cycle.
The paragraphs that follow describe each option as well as the ranges for each type of number. For
information on the relate d alarms, see dspndalms and dspenvalms.

Maximum Card Resets

Options 1 and 2 let you specify a win dow of time in seconds and a number of resets to count the number
of card resets. The purpose of these parameters is to prevent an endless loop of card resets.
Option 1 lets you select the sliding window of time for counti ng the resets of the shelf managemen t
cards. The characteristics of the ti m e pe ri od o p tio n ar e:
The units of measure are seconds.
The number is a 16-bit decimal number and therefore has the range 065355.
A 0 means an infinite time p eriod. The impact of an in finite time period is that on ly a specified
count of resets can stop th e re s ets .
The default is 3600 seconds (1 hour).
Option 2 lets you select th e maxim um numbe r of re set s o f the sh el f mana ge ment c ard g rou p p er t ime
period. Its characteristics are:
The number is an eight-bit decimal n umber and therefore has the range 0255. The meaning of
a 0 for this parameter is a n i n finite number of resetsthe resets can continue indefinitely.
The default is 3 resets per time period.

Shutting Off Alarms for Absent Core Cards

Option 4 lets you specify wheth er an ab sen t, redundant core card causes an al ar m. ( Th e core card the
PXM45.) The purpose of this op ti on is to l et you tu rn o f f ala rms wh en th e nod e co nf i gur ati on sho w s c ore
card redundancy but one card stays out of the backplane for an extended period of time. In essence, it
lets you turn off alarms unti l y ou re-install the card.

Enable Expanded Memory on P XM45/B

Option 5 lets you enable expanded memory on the PXM45. To enable expanded memory, a pair of
PXM45/Bs must reside in the system.

Required Power Supply Module Bitmap

Option 6 lets you specify the locations of required power supplies in an AC-powered system. If any one
of the required supplies is removed, an alarm results. (See also the descriptions of dspndalms and
dspenvalms regarding alarms.) Addi tional supplie s can also e xist in the po wer su pply tray, but removing
one of the additional supplies does not cause an alarm.