Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter7 SPVC and SVC Commands
Routing Parameters
The routing paramet er maxcost (specified using -mc option) need to be entered at the master endpoint
only. The values of the parameters entered at the slave end are ignored and during call set-up.
Frame Discard
For the parameter frame discard (specified using - frame option), you need to enter it at only the master
endpoint. This parameters has no si gn i ficance at the slave end.
For the MGX 8850 2.0 release, if you try to enable fram e dis car d at the slave en d poin t y ou wi ll n ot get
an error message. Nothing will hap pen, and fram e di scard wi ll no t ta ke ef fe ct. In fu tu re re leas es, an e rro r
message will be displayed if y o u t r y t o en ab le fram e discard at the slave end point.
Local-Only Parameters
The parameters CDVT, stats enable, cc enable ( sp eci fied u s in g -cd vt, -stat, -cc) are significant only at
the endpoint where you enter them . Therefore, they can be different at eac h end of t he co nn ec ti on .
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Table7-6 Ranges for PCR, SCR, and MCR for Each Line Type
Parameter Range
PCR Minimum value of 7 cell/sec.
Maximum depends on the physical line on which the interface is configured:
for OC12:between 7 and 1412832
for OC3:between 7 and 353208
for T3:between 7 and 96000(PLCP), 104268(ADM)
for E3:between 7 and 80000
for T1:between 7 and 3622
for E1:between 7 and 4528
Default : Taken from the SCT which was c hose n for the virt ual i nterf ac e. The se rvic e
type is used as an index in choosin g a value of PCR. The default value of PCR in the
SCT is defined as a percentage of the interface bandwidth.
SCR Minimum value of 7 cells/sec.
Maximum is limited to th e P C R .
Default: Taken from SCT as a percentage of PCR.
MCR Same as SCR