Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter6 Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Com m ands dsppnports
Display Ports
The dsppnports command displays status for all log ica l po rts. If yo u do no t id enti fy a parti cul ar typ e of
interface, the display shows all interface types.
In brief, the display consi s ts o f :
A summary of connections
The logical number associated with the PNNI port number (a format that some comm ands require)
A status summary for each port, including the number of connections on each port (excluding
control VCs)
For details on the connection su mm a ries , s ee the section, Description of the dsppnports Connection
Note The total number of conn e c ti ons that the display sh ows does not include c on tr ol VCs. The types of
control VCs are SSCOP, PNNI-RCC, and ILM I (if IL M I is e nabled). To see the connection counts
that include control VCs, use th e co mm ands that operate on the CLI of the s er vice m odules (dspln,
dsppart or dsprscprtn, dspcd, and dspport).
Cards on Which This Command Runs
dsppnports [uni |nni |enni]
Syntax Description

ILMI States

The display includes ILMI statu s , as fol low s:
uni Show status for only U N I ports.
nni Show status for only N N I ports.
enni Show status for only E NNI ports.
Disable Protocol is not enabled o n th is po r t.
NotApplicable This port is not accessible due t o h ar d wa re -rel at ed co nd it io n s .
LostConnectivity Protocol on listening port is not enabled.