Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter6 Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Com m ands addaddr
Related Commands
deladdr, dspaddr
length Address length. The units of measur e dif fe r for e ach a ddress plan . T he -plan option lets
you specify E.164 or NSAP.
For an NSAP address plan, the units of measure ar e bits. The range is 0160. Using
the maximum of a 20-byte ATM address: 20 bytes x 8 bits per byte = 160 bits.
For an E.164 address plan, the value i s t he number of decimal digits. If t h e ATM
address consists of 1 5 di gits, the value for thi s p ar a m e te r i s al so 15.
-type The type of reachability of the node. The reachability is either internal or external. For
internal, the address of this po rt is advertised to only the nodes w ithin the current PNNI
network. The default is in ter n al .
The external address can go outside the PNNI network and applies to an IISP link or a
public UNI. For example, the boundary node on the far side of an IISP link must have
access to the ATM address of the near-side bou nd ar y n od e t o be ab le to reach the
near-side boundary node. Note that, for any ATM address on an IISP port or a public
UNI, you must specify external.
Possible entries: internal (or just int”” or external (or just ext).
Default: int
-proto The protocol for advertising a reachab le ad d re ss :
If the -type is internal, enter local for the -proto parameter.
If the -type is ex ten al , e nt er static for the -proto paramete r.
Possible entries: local or sta ti c.
Default: local
-plan The address plan: E.164 or NSAP. If you choose NSAP address, the first byte of the
address implies one of the three NSAP address plans: NSAP E.164, NSAP DCC, or
NSAP ICD. For example, 47 is reserved for NSAP ICD (see Example section).
Valid entries: e164 or nsap
Default: nsap
-scope The PNNI hierarchal level to which the addres s is ad vertis e d. I n a s i ngle -peer group
(SPG), only 0 applies. This release does not support multiple peer groups.
Range: 0104
Default: 0
-redst Enable for distribution of a stat ic address. Enter yes to enable (distribute) or no to
disable (do not distribute). Enabling this option means that the address you are now
adding is visible to all nodes within the PNNI network. Other networks cannot see
specific port addresses unless you enable such addresses for distribution.
Default: no