Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Shelf Management Commands
This chapter describes the shelf management commands and some commands that belong to other
logical entities running o n th e switchPNNI, for example. The se c ommands allow you to add, delete ,
configure, display status for, and create st atistics for node-level features.
The functional areas under shelf m anagement are:
Node-level parameters of nodename, date, time, time zone, and so on.
Firmware downloading.
Network synchronization
SNMP configuration
User account creation (and ass oc iat ed p asswo r d)
IP connectivity to support user-control of the switch
Saving and restoring node configuration information
Position-Dependent and Keyword-Driven Parameters
A command can include param ete rs that are keyword-driven or position-dependent.
For position-dependent parameters, you must type parameters in the order they appear in the syntax
description or on-line help. To create a logical port, for example, the po sit io n-d ep en de nt syntax is:
addport <ifNum> <bay.line> <guaranteedRate> <maxrate> <sctID> <ifType> [vpi]
For a keyword-driven parameter, a keyword must precede the value. The keywo rd is preceded by a dash
and followed by the parameter (timeou t <secs>, for example). The order you enter keyword-driven
parameters does not matteralthough any preceding or succeeding, positi on - de pendent parameter s
must appear as they do in the com m an d syn ta x de sc rip ti on .
In the following syntax example, th e co mm and is to delete more than one c on n ect io n at a t ime. The
mandatory, position-dependent connection identifier consist of a logical port (ifNum) and the VPI and
VCI of the first connection t o de let e . A ft er th e co nn ec tion identifier, the line shows two o pt io na l,
keyword-driven parameters. These keyword-driven parameters let you enter the number of connections
to delete and specify verb os e m o d e :
delcons <ifNum> <vpi> <vci> [-num <num. conns to del>] [-verbose < 1 | 0 >]