Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands
IP Interface Configuration
Configure an interface to provide IP connectivity for user-control of the switch. Typically, the Cisco
WAN Manager application running on a local or remote work station uses this connection to control the
(Note that ipifconfig and related commands have no bearing on the Console Port for an ASCII terminal
that is co-located with the node. For details on the hardware connec tions and initial start-up throug h the
console port, see the Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Software Configuration Guide, Release 2 and
MGX 8850 Hardware Installation, Release 2.)
The ipifconfig command lets you specify:
A type of logical interfaceATM, Ethernet, or SLIP
An IP address for the interface
A broadcast address for Ethernet
Restriction of connections to be either SVCs or PVCs
Support at the interface level for AR P
An interface type that serves as t he de fault when the switch powers up
The operational state of the int er face up or down
Usage Guidelines
Except for the first-time, manda to r y c on figu ra ti on o f an I P ad dr es s for t he in terface, the ipifconfig
parameters are optional detail s th at y ou ca n use to modify the interface. The des i gn o f th e p ar am eters
includes default states that appl y t o a broa d ra nge o f ne twor k de sig ns. The p urp ose of th is d ef aul t des i gn
is to minimize the need to change the optional parameters.
The IP interface configuration req ui res k nowled g e o f th e cap ab il iti es of the devices or interfaces that
exist between the PXM45 and wo rkstation. Particularly, any attached routers shou ld be feature-rich. For
example, the most likely configuration consists of:
Cisco 7000-family or Cisco 4500-series routers connected to an AXSM port. An MGX 8850 switch
can communicate with a maximu m o f 4 2 r o uter s. I f o ne r ou te r do es not, for example, support
ATMARP, you must configure the interface not to use ATMARP when communicating with any
router in the IP connectivity path.
An ATM router inte rf ace with L LC e ncap sula tio n a nd ATMARP protocol se rvice , R IP pr ot ocol , and
ILMI protocol.
A Sun workstation running Cisco WAN Manager with support for RIP and SNMP protocols.
Note The ipifconfig command on the PXM45 corresponds to cnfifip on the PXM1.
Cards on Which This Command Runs