Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands dsppnni-neighbor
Related Commands
Neighbor state FULL??
Port count The number of ports.
SVC RCC index The index for the SVC routing co ntro l cha nne l.
RX DS pkts The number of received signal packets in the receive direction. The current
release does not support SVCC RCC, so this value is 0.
TX DS pkts Th e n u mber of transmitted signal packe ts in th e t r ans m it di r ect io n.
RX PTSP pkts The number of PNNI topology sta te pa ckets i n t h e rece ive direction.
TX PTSP pkts The number of PNNI topology state packets in the transmit direction.
RX PTSE req pkts The number of PNNI topolo gy sta te element (PTSE) request packets in th e
receive direction.
TX PTSE req pkts The number of transmitted PTSE request packets in the transmit direction.
RX PTSE ack pkts The number of received PTSE acknowledgment packets in the receive
TX PTSE ack pkts The number of transm itted PTSE acknowledgm ent packets in the tra n s mi t
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