Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands
Display PNNI Electiondisplay information for election a peer group leader.
The dsppnni-election command displays parameters and curren t status related to the election of a peer
group leader (PGL). This co mmand and related infor m at io n ap plies to multi-peer groups on ly. The
cnfpnni-election command lets you specify electi on parameters.
In a multi-peer group environment, each p eer group can elect one PGL. Such an election takes place for
every level of the hierarchy. (For example, if three levels ex is t , t hr ee P G L e lec tio n s o ccu r.)
Cards on Which This Command Runs


Syntax Description

Objects Displayed

The following parameters are displayed for each node.
node-index The system-generated node index indicates the relative level of the logical node
within a multi-peer group on t he sw it ch . Th e range is 110. The lowest node is 1,
and the highest is 10.
(Note that node index is inversely related to th e no de level, which you specify
through such commands as cnfpnni-node, f or exa mp le, an d ha s a ra nge of 1104.
The lowest node level is 104. When you add a logical node to the hierarchy on a
switch, the system generates the node index.)
Range: 110
Default: 1
Node-index The node index has a range of 110.
PGL state OperNotPGL, OprPGL, starting , a nd so o n.??
Priority This nodes leadership priority in a peer group.
Initialization time The number of seconds th at this no de dela ys ad vertisi ng its ch oice of
preferred PGL.