Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter8 Network Optimization Commands cnfpnportloscallrel
Configure PNNI Port Loss of Signal Call Release
The cnfpnportloscallrel command lets you s hut o f f the s ta ndard de lay fo r r erout in g ca lls o n a p ort wh en
the system detects loss of signal (LOS) on a port.
When the system detects LOS on an N N I li n k, th e sw i tch d o es n ot i m med ia tely tear down the calls on
the linkin case the break i s m o men ta ry. By default, the system waits for th e S S C O P no-response
and T309 timers to tim e out before it releases ca lls on the broken link. T he default values for these timers
are 30 seconds and 10 seconds, respec tively. The system-level assumption (and therefore the d efault for
cnfpnportloscallrel) is to retain all the calls for a tempo rary loss of connectivity, but this can also have
the effect of delaying the rerouting of connections. The cnfpnportloscallrel command lets you direct
the system to reroute calls without delay on a particular port.
Cards on Which Command Exec utes
cnfpnportloscallrel <portid> <yes|no>
Sybtax Description
Related Commands
Enable call release upon LOS for port 3:1.1:1, then confirm its status.
8850_NY.8.PXM.a > cnfpnportloscallrel 3:1.1:1 yes
8850_NY.8.PXM.a > dsppnportloscallrel 3:1.1:1
Call release on Los :enabled
portid See PNNI Format, page 8-4. The portid represents the PNNI logical port and ha s the
format [shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport].
yes | no Specifies whether immediate call r ele ase is enabled upon LOS. To enable this
featureto remove the standard reroute delaytype yes.
Default: no.
Log: log State: active Privilege: SUPER_GP