Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands
Configure Crossbar Error Thresholdspecify a threshold for a particular crossbar error
The Syntax Description contains a l ist of p o s sib le er ror s. A c r ossb ar er r o r threshold consists of:
A period for counting errors
Severity of the resulting ala rm (minor, major, and critical)
Upper and lower counts for each alarm severity
Note The default settings for crossbar er ror th r esh olds are optimal for nearly all ap pl ic ati on s. The
dspxbarerrthresh command shows the existing thresholds. If necessary, you can c hange thresholds
through the cnfxbarerrthresh command.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
cnfxbarerrthresh <errtype(1..9)> <threshtime> <severity(0..2)> <clrcount> <almcount>
Syntax Description
errtype A number that identifies the t y pe of e rr o r, as f ol lows:
1. Loss of synchronization (LossOfSync).
2. Transceiver error (TranscieverErr)
3. DisparityErran accumulation of five ASIC-level errors
4. ParityErra parity error in the switch fram e as a whole
5. HeaderCRCErra CRC error for th e swi tc h fram e h ead er
6. PayloadCRCErra CRC error for the switch frame payload
7. RemapTwiceErr
8. RemapRecurrErr
9. Backpressure p a r i t y e rr or (B.P.ParityErr)a parity error in the signaling for
threshtime The number of milliseconds over which the system counts errors.
severity The severity of the alarm resulting from the error count per threshold time.
clrcnt The clear count is the number o f er ro r s b elow wh ich t he alarm changes to the next
lowest severity. For example, the system clears a m inor alarm for a particular typ e of
error when the number of errors goe s to 0. Similarly, if clrcnt for a major alarm is 30,
the alarm goes to minor when the count drops below 30.