Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands
Display PNNI Debug Flagsdisplay the settings of all PNNI debug flags.
The dsppnni-dbg command displays which PNNI debug options are enabled and which are disabled.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Display Contents
This section describes the cont en t o f th e di s pl ay for e ach n o de . The right column shows the la be l f o r
each value that appears in the dsppnni-dbg com man d . Th e l e ft co lu m n ma p s e ach valu e to th e
corresponding keywor d in the dbgpnni command, and explains the argument function.
Hello Display the flag that indicates w h et her t h e H el lo p ack et de bug is en ab led .
on: the Hello packet debug is en ab le d.
off: the Hello packet debug is disabled .
election Display the flag tha t in di ca tes wh et he r t he pe e r gr o up el ect io n de bu g i s en ab le d.
on: the peer group election debug is enabled.
off: the peer group election debug is disabled.
nbr Display the flag that indicates w h et her t h e n eig h bo r d ebug i s en ab le d.
on: the neighbor debug is enabled.
off: the neighbor debug is disabled.
itf Display the flag that indicates w h et her t h e in t er fac e d ebu g i s en ab le d.
on: the interface debug is enabled.
off: the interface debug is disabled.
timer Display the flag t ha t i ndicates whether the timer debu g is e na bl ed .
on: the timer debug is e n ab led.
off: the timer debug is disabled.
lgn Display the flag that indicates whether the logical node (LGN) debug is enab led.
on: the LGN debug is e n ab led.
off: the LGN debug is disabled.
spt Display the f lag t ha t i nd i cat es wh ether the logical node SPT de bug is enabled.
on: the SPT debug is en a b le d.
off: the SPT debug is di s ab led.