Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands
Display PNNI Bypassesdisplay the PNNI complex node bypass table.
This debugging command displays the PNNI bypass table for a logical group node (LGN) that uses the
complex node representation of its peer group. The bypass table contains the topology and Hello
information of every node in the peer group.
Note This command applies to mu lt i- p eer g r ou ps only.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
dsppnni-bypass <node-index>
Syntax Description
Display Contents
The display contains the following fiel ds f o r ea ch no d e.
node-index The node index points to the LGN of this peer group. It indicates the relative
level of the node within the hierarchy on the switch. The range is 110, and the
lowest level is 1.
Range: 110
Default: 1
node-index The node index indicates the relative level o f th e lo gi cal node within a
multi-peer group on the switch. The supported range is 110, and the lowest
level is 1
Input port Id The logical form of port id en tifi er at th e input.
Range: 12147483648.
Output port Id The logical form of port id en tifi er at th e output.
Range: 12147483648.
ptse id Display the unique identifier as si g ne d to the PNNI topology state ele men ts
PTSE. ptse-id is the 32bit numeric node identifier assigned by the softwareit
is not user-configurable.
flags Although a hexadecimal flag appea rs, it appl ie s to sof tw ar e deb ug gi ng b y Cis co
engineers and so is not described here.