Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands
Display Contents
Related Commands
aw Specify administrative weight as the r o ut in g m e tri c. The possible service classes
associated with AW are CBR, rt-VBR, n rtV BR , and UBR.
ctd Specify cell transfer delay as t he met ri c. The possible service classes a re CB R ,
rt-VBR, or nrt-VBR.
cdv Specify cell delay variation as the metric. The possible se rv ic e c las se s are CBR
and rt-VBR.
node-index The node index is a number in the range 1256 that uniquely identifies a switch
within a PNNI network. This option lets you specify one destination switch to
show connecting paths, oth er w ise the paths to all switches ap pe ar in the display.
Range: 1256
Default: 1
S or D The S or D in the first column of the display shows whether the line pertains to the
source (S) or begins one or more lines about the destination (D).
node# The node number (node index) within the network. This node number is a unique
identifier of the node within the network and appears as node-index in many
Range: 1256
PortI d The PNNI logical port identifier in the form of a 32-bit number. Certain commands
require the port ID in this format. T o obt ain the logi cal port ID fr om th e physi cal port
ID, use the dsppnports command.
Range: 12147483648
nodeid The nodeidentifier (n od e I D ) as si gn ed t o a PN N I n ode. The commands that specify
the node ID are addpnni-node and cnfpnni-node. To see the node ID, use
nodename The name of the switch assigned b y t he cnfname command. This name appears in the
CLI prompt.
Log: nolog State: active, standby Privilege: ANYUSER