Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands
Call Control Operations: Enable/Disable Path Trace at Port Level
Enables (disables) path trace f eat ur e a t p o rt l evel, th en sa ves th e r esu lt of the path trace in the log file .
Cards on Which This Command Runs
pathtraceport <portid>
{enable | disable}
[-H {on | off}]
[-CB {on | off}]
[-V {on | off}]
[-CR {on | off}]
[-cldnum called-AESA]
[-clgnum calling-AESA]
Syntax Description
portid The portid represents the PNN I lo gi cal p ort and has the format
[shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport]. See also PNNI Format, page 9-3.
enable | disable Enables (disables) path trace at po r t level.
-H Specifies the hierarchy option. If enabled, information from all the DTLs in
the hierarchy are added in the TTL I E.
Default= off
-CB Specifies the crankback option . If enabled, the failure cause fo r crankback is
included in the TTL IE.
Default= on
-V Specifies the VPI/VCI option. If enabled, VPI/VCI values of the egress port
are added in the TTL IE at every node.
Default= off
-CR Specifies the call reference option. If enabl ed , c a ll r ef er en ce valu es o f al l
egress ports are added in the TTL IE.
Default= off
-cldnum Specifies the called party n umber. Enables (disables) path tra ce on a specific
called address.
-clgnum Specifies the calling party number. Enables (disables) path trace on a s pecific
calling address.