Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Commands
This chapter describes primarily the PNNI commands that apply to PNNI ports. It also contains some
node-level commands, such as a variety of commands that relate to node-level congestion thresholds . In
general, the commands let you crea te, delete, display logical element s, and view and clear statistics. The
commands pertain to t he following areas of PN N I po rt function:
Address assignment
Address filterin g
Address ping
Control Channels
Defaults for bandw id th parameters
Connection-related comm andseither or both SVCs and SPVCs
Port resource commands
IISP interfaces
ILMI Port Management
SSCOP (service-specific connection-oriented protocol)
Congestion thresholds for the node and for individual ports

Types of Address

Three types of local addresses exist:
ILMI-registered addresses
User-provisioned addresses via addaddr
Host application addresses, such as AESA-Ping, PNNI logical group numbers, IP connectivity,
node-level SPVC prefix, and so on