Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands dsppnni-spoke
Display PNNI Spokedisplay the PNNI complex node default advertisement values.
Note This debugging command does not apply to single-peer groups.
The dsppnni-spoke command displays how the UNI 4.0 add r ess s cop e valu es map to t he PNNI
hierarchal levels. I t dis p lays th e PNNI d efa ult s poke fo r a l og ica l group nod e ( LGN) u sin g c omp lex no de
representation in a given peer group (PG). The spoke is the conceptual radius of the peer group. The
spoke values are based on averaging the administrate weights (AWs) of all border node paths then
dividing that average by 2.
If a logical path is not included in the bypass table, the spoke values can be used to select which peer
group a route transits. The P G w it h th e l owest spoke AW is the lowest cost PG and ther ef o re th e best
path to use (based on AW).
Cards on Which This Command Runs
dsppnni-spoke <node-id>
Syntax Description
Display Contents
The following parameters are displayed for each node.
node-id The nodeidentifier of a PNNI logical node can be user-assigned by
addpnni-node or cnfpnni-node but also comes as a factory-assigned default.
Default: (the factor y- s et default)
nodal aggregation method The ASCII str in g of t he act ive aggr ega tio n m e th od . The m et h od i s
full-meshed or spanning tree.
ptse-id The unique identifier for the PTSE. ptse-id is assigned by the PNNI node
that created the PTSE.
node-index The node-index is the local node index and has a range of 110.
AW-NRTVBR The administrative weight for nrt-VBR connections on this interface.
Range: 04194304