Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter6 Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Com m ands addfltset
Add Filter Setcreate or modify an ATM address filter set.
A filter controls the access of incoming calls to a port. The addfltset command lets you create a new
filter set or modify the contents of an existin g filter set. Note that, if you want to change the addr ess plan,
you must delete the filter set a nd r e- cr ea te it. You can assign more than one filter to a p or t .
Note The addfltset command creates but does not associate a filter set to a port. To associate a filter set
to a port, use the cnf-pnportacc command.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
addfltset <name>
[-address atm-address <-length address-length> [-plan {nsap | e164}]
[-list {calling | called}]]
[-index number]
[-accessMode {permit | deny}]
[-cgPtyAbsentAction {permit | deny}]
[-cdPtyAbsentAction {permit | deny}]
Syntax Description
name The name of the filter s et can have up to 30 characters .
-address The ATM address. The plan determines the possible number of byt es or bits
in the address:
An NSAP address can have 120 eight-bit bytes (where a byte is two
hexadecimal numbers). A 20-byte addr es s i s an exa ct address, and less
than 20 bytes is a prefix.
An E.164 address can have 815 decim al di gi ts. A 15- digi t a ddres s i s an
exact address, and less than 15 digits is a prefix.
You can specify the address plan with the forthcoming -plan option. NSAP
is the default plan.
Note that the number of bits or bytes in the ATM address effects the
uniqueness of the address. Altho u gh t he m ax im um number of characters in
the address requires the most key-strokes, the address with the maximum
length insures the uniqueness of the port. To use an extreme example: with a
one-byte address, for any caller tha t se nd s a n address whose first address
byte matches that one-byte ATM address, the node rou tes the call to that port.
The default is modifying th e accessMode field of a filte r element using the
index only, in which case you do not need to specify the address field.