Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter6 Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Commands
-nniver The NNI version: iisp30, iisp31, pnni10, or enni. Note that univer and nniver are
mutually exclusiveso the interface at e ach e nd of the connection must have the
same interface type. Also, the port type on the PNNI controll er m u st be th e s a m e as
on the slave (through addport ... ifType on the AXSM, for example).
The default for this paramet er is PNNI 1.0. If t his ver sio n i s s uf f i cie nt, you c an fo rego
this parameter. However, to chan ge an NNI version, the po rt must be down.
Remember to up the port by using the uppnport command after completing the
cnfpnportsig command.
Default: pnni10
-unitype The type of UNI is either private or public. This parameter is relevant only if you
specified a UNI interface through the -univer parameter.
Default: private
-addrplan The address plan of the calling party that the interfa ce accepts. The choices are both,
e164, and aesa. The default is both.
Only a public UNI can use this parameter. For all other interface types, the port
automatically accepts either A ES A or E. 16 4 ad d re ss p lan s .
-side The side of the port: type user or network. This parameter applies to IISP on ly
and public UNI. (An NNI int er fac e t yp e au to m at ica lly i s network.)
An IISP or public UNI has a user side and a network side. (If bot h sid es are th e sa me,
a configuration error has occurre d.) The network side is the side that ass igns the VPI
and VCI. These links do not distinguish between SVCs and SPVCs.
Default: network
-vpi The VPI of the signaling and routing control channel (RCC) on the port.
Range: 04095
Default: 0
-sigvci The signaling VCI f or the port. If you do not use the default of 5, this VCI must be in
the range 3265535.
Range: 5 or 3265535
Default: 5
-rccvci The routing control c hann el -vc i: the VCI for PNNI RCC. If you do not use the default
of 18, this VCI must be in the range 3265535.
Range: 18 or 3265535
Default: 18
-cntlvc Enable for an IP-based signaling channel. This option applies only to a feeder
connected to the switch. An IP-b ased co nt r ol cha nn el is m ut ua ll y exc lus ive of eith er
UNI or NNI. The only choice for -cntlvc is ip.
Default: ip (for Internet Protocol)