Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands addpnni-node
Syntax Description
level The level specifies the level of the node in a PNN I h ier arch y an d do es so
by indicating the number of valid bits for a node ID (-nodeId parameter)
or peer group ID (-pg-id parameter). In the current release, you can
configure only one level. The level must be the same within the network.
The maximum number of levels you can configure on a switch 10. This
limit is meaningful on ly in a multi-peer grou p. Although the level can any
value, selecting an 8-bit boundary makes network planning and address
management easier. Four example, using 56 for a level is more expedient
than using a level of 59.
Range:1104 bits
Default= 56 bits
lowest | other Indicates whether the logical node you are adding is the lowest node in the
hierarchy or exists at a level oth er th an t he low est . Type the e nt ir e wo rd
lowest or other.In the current release, you can specify only a
single-peer group, so any node you a dd must be the lo wes t. In thi s case, th is
parameter must remain the default of lowest.
If you are adding the node at the lowest level of the switch, you must also
specify -atmAdd atm-address .
Default: lowest
-atmAddr The ATM address of a PNNI l og ical no de cons is ts of 2 0 he xa deci mal, 8- bit
bytes (2 hexadecimal characters per byte).
If you are adding the lowest node in the switch, you must include an ATM
address. For all levels above the lowest level, this ATM address is
meaningless. The current re lease supports only a single peer group, so you
must specify an ATM address for the one time th at you execute
addpnni-node. The first byte of atm-address indicates the addres s plan.
For example, 47 is reserved for NS A P I C D, as in the following example:
Default: Figure5-1 shows the Cisco default.
-nodeId The PNNI logical nodeidentifier (node ID). The node-id consists of the
following logical elements, startin g at th e m ost si gnificant byte:
The level of the PNNI node within the hierar ch y. (See the de scr ip ti on
of the level parameter.)
The number of bits in the ATM address. The number is 160 for an
NSAP address because the ATM address of th e n od e is a lways 20
bytes. For an E.164 address, this field is decimal 15.
The ATM address portion of the peer group ID (20 8-bit, hexadecimal
bytes2 hexadecimal characters per by te ).
Default: The Cisco de fault appears in Figure 5-1.