Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands ipifconfig
ipifconfig <interface>
[netmask <mask>]
[broadcast <broad_addr>]
[up | down ]
[arp | noarp]
[svc | nosvc]
[pvc | nopvc]
[default | nodefault]
Syntax Description
interface A name that identi fies th e t yp e o f in t erface. The type of interface affects th e
applicability of other ip if c onfig parameters.
The choices for interface are:
lnPci0 for Ethernet (the default on power-up)
atm0 for the ATM
sl0 for SLIP
ip_address (Optional if already configured, mandatory if not) ip_address is a 32-bit IP address
in dotted decimal format. This parameter is mandatory when you first configure a
particular interface type (lnPci0, and so on). If you subsequently modify one or more
optional interface parameters, you can omit this IP address beca use th e interface
name (interface, above) is sufficient to get the address.
netmask (Optional) 32-bit net mask in dotted decimal format. Ideally, the PXM45 and any
routers associated with connected workstations exist in the same subnet. S pecifically,
having the same subnet mask simplifies router configuration.
broadcast (Optional) Broadcast addressapplies to only Ethernet.
up | down (Optional) Set the interface to be either up or down. Defaul t is up. Setting it to down
turns off all IP packet communicat io n . You should h ave a s pe cifi c p urp ose for
downing the interface.
arp | noarp (Optional) Enables or disables A R P f o r all co n ne cti on s o n th e i n terfa ce. Enter the
keyword arp or noarp in its entirety. The default is enabl ed (arp). Note that disabling
ARP for Ethernet is a very unlikely ch o ice .
If you disable ARP, the system subsequently prevents you from specifying ARP for
an individual SVC or PVC. If you need to disable ARP for a connection because a
particular interface or device does not support ARP, disable it though svcifconfig or
svc | nosvc (Optional) Specify whether SVC support is enabled on the interface. The choice
applies to all connections o n the interface. The default is en abled (svc) and is the most
common application. Specific co ntexts may provide a reason to disable SVCs on the