Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands dspcon
Display Connection on the A XSM
On the AXSM, dspcon shows the following connection identifiers :
NSAP address, logical port, VPI/VCI, status, and ownership of local and remote ends of the
connection. The display shows whether a particular endpoint is the master or slave.
The provisioning parameters in the display show:
Connection type of VPC or VCC.
Service type (for example, ABR).
A number indicating the contro lle r. For example, 2 refers to PNNI. The addcontroller command
specifies the controller.
The administrative state is either up or down. This state results from addcon or dncon/upcon. Note
that, after you down a connection w it h at th e co n nection master endpoint, the dspc on comm an d
shows the connection as down when you execute it at the master endpoint and fai led when you
execute it at the slave endpoint. (See a ls o dncon description).
The operational state is either OK or failed. The operational state ca n apply to a connection
regardless of the administrative st ate .
The traffic managemen t parameters consist of:
Local and remote UPC paramete r s of P C R , M B S , C TD , C DVT, and so on . A 1 in a field means
that the parameter was not spe cifi ed . T he ch ar act er s N/A i nd ic ate that the parameter does no t
apply to the service type.
These other fields also pertain to connection integrity :
OAM connectivity check enable or dis a bl e.
Loopback test enable/disable and lo op b ack t yp e.
Round trip delay in microseconds. This field is non-zero only if you previously executed tstdelay.
The dspcon command requires a unique connection identifier. If you do not have the information to
identify a connection, execute dspc ons. On the AXSM, dspcons identifies all the connections on the
AXSM. On the PXM45, dspcons identifies all the connections on the node. (See dspcons description).
and Egress directions.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
AXSM Syntax
PXM45 Syntax