Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands
Display Error
Display error message files. The dsperr command is primarily a debug command. Because it displays
tasks and system calls, the informatio n is more su it able to de v elo pe rs or ot hers who can us e inf orma tion
that is internal to the switc h rather than applicable to t he network. The informatio n may also be useful
to Cisco support personnel.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
dsperr <-s1 slot> [-en <Error#>] [ -tr {P|L|N}]
Syntax Description
Related Commands
-sl (Mandatory) Number of the slot. The value of slot is any slo t in the switch.
-en An option that lets yo u s p eci fy a p articular error record. You can list al l th e er r o rs by u s i ng
dsperr without this parameter and note the Error Num then display just that error record.
-tr This option allows you specify 3 options for printing trace data: P, L, or N. If -tr is not
specified, the trace data is printed normally.
PPause prompts before pr in ti ng t he trace data with the foll owi ng me ssage:
This section contains trace dat a that may span multiple page s. This data is contained
in the file:
You can ftp this file to a workstation for further analysis
Do you want to view this data now [Yes/No]?
LLists all of the trace data file nam e s , fo r exam ple:
NNo disables trace da ta printing.