Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter3 Equipment and Resource Provisioning
Syntax Description
Related Commands
cnfrscprtn, delrscprtn, dsprscprtns, dsprscprtn
if_num Logical interface (port) number. For AXSM, th e r an g e i s 1 60.
part_ID The number of the partition in the range 15.
ctrlr_id The number of the controller in the range 120.
egrminbw A guaranteed percentage of egress bandwidth. Each un it of eg rMinBw is 0.00001 of the
total bandwidth on the port. (An egrMinBw of 1000000 = 100%.) This approach pro vide s
a high level of granularity.
egrmaxbw A maximum percentage of the band wid th. E ach un it of egrMaxBw is 0.00001 of the total
bandwidth available to the port. (An egrMaxBw of 1000000 = 100%.) The resulting
bandwidth must be at least 50 cps.
ingminbw A guaranteed percentage of the ingress bandwidth. Each unit of ingMinBw is 0.00001 of
the total bandwidth available on a port. For example, an ingMinBw of 1000000 = 100%.
ingmaxbw A maximum percentage of the ingress bandwidth. Each increment of ingMaxBw is
0.00001 of the total bandwidth on the port. For example, an ingMaxBw of 1000000 =
100%. Note that the maximum ingress bandwidth must be at least 50 cps.
minVpi Minimum VPI. For NNI, the range is 04095. For UNI, the range is 0255.
For a virtual trunk (VNNI inte rf ace type in the addport command), the minVpi must be
the same as the maxVpi.
maxVpi Maximum VPI in the range 04095 for an NNI. For a UNI, the range is 0255. The
minVpi cannot be less than the maxVpi.
minVci Minimum VCI in the range 02000 (OC-48 only) or 3265535.
maxVci Maximum VCI in the range 02000 (OC-48 only) or 3265535.
minConns A guaranteed number of connec tions. The range is between 0 and the maxi m um number
of connections in the po rt group. See dspcd for information about port groups.
maxConns A maximum number of connections. The range is between 0 and the maximum number
of connections in the port group. See dspcd port g rou p i nform ati on. maxConns cannot be
less than minConns.
Log: log State: active Privilege: GROUP1