Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter3 Equipment and Resource Provisioning
Display ATM Line
Displays the cell header con figur at io n fo r th e lin e th at was set using cnfatmln. The display indicates
NNI or UNI cell headers.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
dspatmln <bay.line>
Syntax Description
Related Commands
cnfatmln, clratmlncnt
Display the line configuration for line 1 of the AXSM-1-2448.
MGX8850.1.AXSM.a > dspatmln 1.1
line HCScoset PayloadScramble NullCellHdr NullCellPayload
1.1 Enable Enable 1a1a1a1a aa
bay.line Identifies the bay (1 or 2) and the num ber o f th e lin e. T he li ne nu mber is fr om 1 to th e
highest numbered line on the b ack ca rd. For the range of line numb ers o n spe cific
AXSM models, see Table 3- 1.
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