Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands svcifconfig
SVC Interface Configure
Configure IP-related parameters for the SVCs that support network control at a workstation.The
configuration applies to all the SVCs on one of the three physical port types. Note that a complete
configuration requires you to execute svcifconfig twice. The first execution identifies the ATM
end-station address (AESA) and encapsulation type at the router end. The second execution identifies
the AESAbut no encapsulation typefor the swi tch.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
svcifconfig <interface> <router | local> <svc_address>
[atmarp | noatmarp]
[llcencap | vcmux]
[default | nodefault]
Syntax Description
Enter all keywords in their entirety.
interface Alphanumeric str in g id en ti fy the interface type for th e c urrent SVC
configuration. The choices are:
lnPci0 for Ethernet (the default on power-up)
atm0 for the ATM.
sl0 for SLIP
Enter the entire keyword.Where appropriate, eac h subseq uen t parame ter
description identifies charact eris ti cs t h at dep en d o n th e t yp e of i nt er fac e.
router | local Specifies whether the AESA corresponds to a router or the local PXM45. Both
router and local ends shoul d be configured. Configure the local en d firs t, th en
execute svcifconfig to specify the router end.
You must enter the entirety of one of thes e key wor ds. Th e A E SA is an NSAP
address used by the router or the local PXM45.
svc_address The NSAP portion for the SVCs th at the switch sets up on the specified interface
atmarp | noatmarp (Optional) This parameter is valid for router AESA configurati on only. Enables
or disables ATMARP. For ATMARP to be available, the interface must support
ARP (see ipifconfig descri ption).