Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands delclksrc
Delete Clock Source
Deletes a user-specified primary or secondary clock source. Changing a clock source or changing the
priority of the source (primary or sec onda ry) are th e mo st f reque nt us es o f delclksrc. See the description
of cnfclksrc for these common uses of de lclksrc.
Note If the node has a redundant PXM45, it automatically receives changes you make to the clock
configuration as well as automated changes to clock status that occur under node management. For
example, executing delclksrc is a configuration cha ng e that the standby card automat ically
implements. Also, a switch from p r ima ry to secondary clock source is al s o reco rd ed by th e sta nd by
Cards on Which This Command Runs
delclksrc <priority>
Related Commands
cnfclksrc, dspclksrcs, dspclkalms
Delete the primary clock so ur ce .
pinnacle.7.PXM.a> delclksrc primary
Log: log State: active Privilege: SUPER_GP