Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter7 SPVC and SVC Commands dsppnconstats
Incoming Call Failures Number of incoming point-to -po int an d poin t-to -mu lti poi nt
SVC/SPVC call attempts t ha t f ail ed o n t h is port.
Incoming Call
Filtering Failures Number of incoming point-to -po int an d poin t-to -mu lti poi nt
SVC/SPVC call attempts t ha t f ail ed the address filtering on t hi s
Incoming Routing Failures Number of incoming point-to -po int an d poin t-to -mu lti poi nt
SVC/SPVC call attempts tha t failed on this port because th er e w as
no route to the destination.
Incoming CAC Failures Number of incoming point-to-point and point-to -mu ltip oint
SVC/SPVC call attempts that failed on this port because there were
not enough resources as reques te d in th e t r affic par am e te rs of t he
Incoming Timer Failures Number of signaling tim er s th at ti m ed o u t o n incoming
point-to-point and poin t- to -mul ti point S VC/S PVC cal l s re c ie v ed o n
this port.
Incoming Crankback Failures Number of crankback IEs recieved on this port for incoming
point-to-point and point-to-multipoint SVC/SPVC call attempts.
Outgoing Call Attempts Number of outgoing signalling messagesSetup and
AddPartysent from this port for call establish m en t.
Outgoing Call Success Number of outgoi ng s i gn aling messagesConnect and
AddPartAcksent from this port, which indicate successful call
Outgoing Call Failures Number of outgoing point-to-point and point-to-multipoint
SVC/SPVC call attempts t ha t f ail ed o n t h is port.
Outgoing Call
Filtering Failures Number of outgoing point-to-point and point-to-multipoint
SVC/SPVC call attempts t ha t f ail ed the address filtering on t hi s
Outgoing Routing Failures Number of outgoing point-to-point and point-to-multipoint
SVC/SPVC call attempts tha t failed on this port because th er e w as
no route to the destination.
Outgoing CAC Failures Number of outgoing point-to-point and point-to-multipoint
SVC/SPVC call attempts tha t failed on this port because th er e w as
not enough resources as reques te d in th e t r affic par am e te rs of t he
Outgoing Timer Failures Number of signaling timers that timed out on outgoing
point-to-point SVC/S P V C calls sent from this p o rt .
Outgoing Crankback Failures Number of crankback IEs sent from this port for outgoing signal ing
release messages.