Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter7 SPVC and SVC Commands addcon
-cdvt Local Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (CDVT). Specifies the CDVT from a local
endpoint to a remote endpoint (15000000 micr osec ond s). Cell De lay Variation
Tolerance controls the time scale over which the PCR is policed.
Note that no remote CDVT is necessary.
-lcdv Local Cell Delay Variation (CDV). Specifies t he CDV fr o m a l oc al e nd p oi nt to
a remote endpoint (116777215 micr os econ ds). Cel l Dela y Variation is the peak
to peak cell delay variation expres se d in microseconds.
-rcdv Remote Cell Delay Variation (CDV). Specifi es the CDV from a remote endpoin t
to a local endpoint (116 777215 microse cond s). Cell Dela y Variation is the peak
to peak cell delay variation expres se d in microseconds.
-cc Operations, administration, and ma intena nce con tinuit y check (OAM C C): enter
1 to enable or 0 to di s ab le . The default is 0.
To provision continuity checking, you must enable this function at both ends of
the connection, otherwise a con ne ct io n ala rm results. Therefore, even as you
create the connection with this parameter, the connection goes i n to al arm until
both ends of the connection are u p .
-stat Statistics collectio n: en te r 1 to enable or 0 to dis ab le. The default is 0.
The Cisco WAN Manager tool collects statisti cs for a connection if you enab l e
it here. Statistics collection is d isa bled for all connections by default. S t ati s ti cs
collection has an impact (whic h may not be significant) on th e real-time
response, especially for SVCs ( wh i ch can b e affecte d even though you do not
add SVCs). Therefore, you should enable sta tistics collection for only the subset
of connections that really wa rran ts such a feature.