Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter8 Network Optimization Commands dspload
Display the load on partition number 1 on logical port 1.
MGX8850.1.AXSM.a > dspload 1 1
| I N T E R F A C E L O A D I N F O |
| Maximum Channels : 0001000 |
| Guaranteed Channels : 0000000 |
| Igr Maximum Bandwidth : 0353208 |
| Igr Guaranteed Bandwidth : 0176604 |
| Egr Maximum Bandwidth : 0353208 |
| Egr Guaranteed Bandwidth : 0176604 |
| Available Igr Channels : 0000998 |
| Available Egr Channels : 0000998 |
| Available Igr Bandwidth : 0351708 |
| Available Egr Bandwidth : 0351708 |
| E X C E P T -- V A L U E S |
| VSI-SIG | Avl Chnl | 0000998 | 0000998 |
| CBR | Avl Chnl | 0000998 | 0000998 |
| VBR-RT | Avl Chnl | 0000998 | 0000998 |
| VBR-nRT | Avl Chnl | 0000998 | 0000998 |
| UBR | Avl Chnl | 0000998 | 0000998 |
| ABR | Avl Chnl | 0000998 | 0000998 |
| VSI-SIG | Avl Bw | 0351708 | 0351708 |
| CBR | Avl Bw | 0351708 | 0351708 |
| VBR-RT | Avl Bw | 0351708 | 0351708 |
| VBR-nRT | Avl Bw | 0351708 | 0351708 |
| UBR | Avl Bw | 0351708 | 0351708 |
| ABR | Avl Bw | 0351708 | 0351708 |
Table8-5 Interface Load Info Descriptions
Field Descriptions
Maximum Channels The total maximum number of channels available on the interface.
Guaranteed Channels The maximum number of channels that are guaranteed to be
available at the maximum bandwidth.
Igr Maximum Bandwidt h The maximum bandwidth availa ble on the interface in the in gr es s
Igr Guaranteed Bandwidth The maximum bandwidth that is guaranteed to be available in the
ingress direction when the maximum number of guaranteed
channels are in use.
Egr Maximum Bandwidth The maximum bandwidth available on the interface in the egress
Egr Guaranteed Bandwidth The maximum bandwidth that is guaranteed to be available in the
egress direction when the maximum numbe r of guara nteed channe ls
are in use.
Available Igr Channels The number of ingress channels t ha t a re cu r rent ly availa bl e.
Available Egr Channels The number of egress channels that are currently available.