Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter8 Network Optimization Commands cnfrteopt
[-range <starting-vpi/vci..ending-vpi/vci>]
[-interval <interval>]
[-tod <start-time..end-time>]
Syntax Description
portid Port identifier has the for ma t [shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport].
enable | disable Enables or disables route optimization. The default is disabled, but if grooming
is operational and you want to disable it, you must execute cnfrteopt and enter
-range Keyword that specifies a range of connections for grooming.
Use the notation as it appears on the syntax line: type a slash between the VPI
and VCI and two dots with no sp aces between the starting and en ding values. For
example, 100/1000..200/10000 is a valid parameter to follow the range
keyword. The ranges are:
The vpi range is 04095.
The vci range is 3265535.
The VPI of the starting SPVC must be less than the en di ng VPI , an d th e sta rt in g
VCI must be less than the ending VCI.
Note that the default range is all connections on the port specified by portid.
Therefore, if you want to groom all connections on the portid, simply leave out
the -range command delinea tor.
-interval Keyword that specifies the frequency at which grooming begins. The units of
measure are minutes. The range is 10 10000. The default is 60. Counting starts
at one of two moments:
The moment you execute cnfrte opt
The starting time specified by TOD in cnfrteopt
If the interval is less than hal f the amount of time specifi ed by th e
start-time..end-time parameter, route optimization may begin more than once
during the time period. For example, if the periods of optimization are two hours
beginning at midnight and 4:00 AM and the interval is one hour, route
optimization could oc cur two to four times p e r d a y.
-tod Keyword that specifies the time to start and stop grooming. The format is a
24-hour clock: 00:0023:59. The default for both start and end-time is 00:00. If
you execute cnfrteopt during the time specified by tod, the optimization cycle
begins during the next time interval.
If the time for the node change s (by way of the cnftime command, for example),
the node might skip one opti m iz ati on cycle.
Note Use the notation in the Syntax section: type two dots with no spaces
between starting and ending times.