Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter6 Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Com m ands Connection Capacities of the AXSM
Connection Capacities of the AXSM
The SVC and SPVC connection ca pa cities for the front card, back card , a nd physical lines appear in
Table 6 -2 and Tabl e 6-3. The capacity o f a single AXSM card is greater th an th at o f th e n o de it self.
Nevertheless, the tables provide thes e m ax im u ms wh en y o u p la n th e u s e of c omm ands such as
addrscprtn, addcon, and any other command where yo u m ay wa nt to k n ow the ca pacity of the
configured item to support con nec ti on s.
Identifying Physical and Logical Elements
The Private Network-to-Network Interface (PNNI) control protocol and the s erv ice modules use
different formats to identify the s ame entity. For example, the format of a logical po r t th at y ou en ter o n
an AXSM is different from the format you would enter on the PXM45. This section describes these
formats in the PNNI and AXSM contexts and how the y corre spo nd to each othe r. The parallel actions of
configuring or displaying logi cal el ements on different cards is broa dl y ill ustrated in the Cisco
MGX 8850 Routing Switch Software Configuration Guide, Release 2.0.
Table6-1 Valid Line Numbers and Number of Bays for AXSM Card Types
Front Card Speed Lines Bays
AXSM-1-2488 OC-48 1 1
AXSM-4-622 OC-12 1212
AXSM-16-155 OC-3 1812
AXSM-16-T3E3 T3, E3 1812
Table6-2 Maximum Connections by Connection Type and Front Card
Front Card SVC SPVC
AXSM-1-2488 128 K 64 K
AXSM-4-622 128 K 64 K
AXSM-16-155 128 K 64 K
AXSM-16-T3E3 128 K 64 K
Table6-3 Maximum Connections on Back Cards and Lines
Card Type Back Card Maximum Physical Line Maximum
OC-48c 128 K 64 K
OC-12c 64 K 32 K
OC-3c 6 4 K 32 K
T3 64 K 64 K
E3 64 K 64 K