Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands dsppnni-timer
Display PNNI Timerdisplay the PNNI timer values.
The dsppnni-timer command displays the nodal timer values configured through the cnfpnni-timer
command. If you provide a node index with the command, the output contains information for that
particular node rather than al l lo gi cal nodes on the switch.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Syntax Description
Display Contents
The display contains the followin g in for m at io n f o r ea ch node. Except for the node in d ex, yo u can
configure all values through the cnfpnni-timer command .
node-index The node index indicates the relative position of the logical node within a
multi-peer group on the swit ch. The range is 110, and the lowest level is 1. If you
do not have the node inde x, us e dsppnni-node to see a list of all logical no des and
node indexes on the cu rre nt sw it ch. I n the cu rre nt rel e ase , the v a lu e of node-index
must be 1.
Range: 110
Default: 1
nodeindex The relative position of the lo ca l node on the switch.
Helloholddown The initial value for the Hello hold down timer is the time a node waits
to send Hello packets.
Units:100 milliseconds (1 = 0.1 seconds)
PTSEholddown The time the node waits to broadc ast PNNI topology statement el ements
Helloint The initial time in millis econd-increments that the n ode uses to limit the
rate of at which it transm it s H e l lo p ack ets .
Units:100 milliseconds (1 = 0.1 seconds)
PTSE refreshi nt The initial number of seconds allowed for the PTSE to re-originate.