Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands
Display PNNI Reachable Addressesdisplays the reachable PNNI addresses in the peer group.
This command displays all the rea c ha ble a ddresses and address prefixes in the p eer g r ou p . For a
description of the items in the display, refer to the section, Display Contents for
dsppnni-reachable-addr. The display granularity depends on your parameter choice:
If you enter local, the display shows the port ID and the addresse s directly attached to the loca l node.
If you enter network, the display shows the advertising node ID, the addresses advertised by other
nodes, and the routing paramete rs for each reachable node.
Note The display may not update frequently enough if you are configuring the network. You can change
timers to update more frequently, but changing timers can have unexpected effects. Before you
modify a timer, discus s i t with the TAC or your Cisco re pr es entative.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
dsppnni-reachable-addr <local |network>
Syntax Description
local | network Ddetermine whether the display s h ows th e a dd r ess es of nodes that directly
connect to this switch or al l n odes in the peer group.
Local: directly connected switch es
Network: all reachable nodes in the peer group
Default: (no default)