Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter6 Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Commands
Related Commands
cnffltset, delfltset, dspfltset, cnf-pnportacc
-length Address length. The units of measure differ for each address plan. The -plan
option lets you specify E.164 or NSAP.
For an NSAP address plan, the uni ts of measure are bits. The range is
0160. Using the maximum of a 20-byte ATM address: 20 bytes x 8 bits
per byte = 160 bits. F or a pr efi x, you must follow th e s i gn ificant bytes
with 3 dots (and no spaces). See Example.
For an E.164 address plan, the value is the number of decimal digits. If
the ATM address consists of 15 digits, the value for this parameter is
also 15. For a prefix, you mu st fo ll ow th e s i gn ifi can t digits with 3 dots
(and no spaces). See Example sectio n .
-plan Address plan: e164 or nsap. This option applies only if you specify an
address (see -address).
Default: nsap
-list Address list: calling or called. You can specify this field only if yo u al so
specify the address field.
Default: calling
-index Order in which the filter is applied. If you assign more than one filter to a
port, you must plan the orde r in which the node applies the filters to a calling
party. Plan the filters and their order of application so that the order of
application does not negate the purpose of filtering.
The first position in the filtering order is 1. The dspfltset command displays
existing filters.
Range: 165535
-AccessMode The access mode specifies whe th er th e p o rt p e rm it s o r de ni es a ca ll if the
address pattern-mat ch ing results in a mat ch. Type the entire word permi t
or deny.
Default: permit
-cgPtyAbsentAction The access mo de s p eci fies w he th er th e p o rt p er m it s o r de ni es a call if the
address of the calling party does not match an ad dress in the calling party list
of the filter. Type the entire word permit or deny.
Default: permit
-cdPtyAbsentAction The access mode specifies whether the port accepts or denies the call if the
calling party does not m atc h any address entry in the ca ll ed pa r ty list of the
filter. Type the entire word permit or deny.
Default: permit