Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter7 SPVC and SVC Commands dspcons
Cards on Which This Command Runs
PXM45 Syntax
[-port portid]
[-vpi starting-vpi]
[-vci starting vci]
[-state {fail|ais|abit|ok|down}]
[-owner {master|slave}]
[-sc service class]
PXM45 Syntax Description
-port The port identifier (portid) in the format that the network cont r ol ler ut il ize s:
Currently, the value for shelf is always 0 and therefore is not necessary.
-vpi The VPI of the connection that you would like to serve as the starting
connection in the display.
-vci The VPI of the connection that you would like to serve as the starting
connection in the display.
-state A specific connection state. The displa y shows only the connections with the
state you specify. Note t hat on t he PX M45, yo u mu st spe ll out th e enti re st ate
keyword. The keywords for specifying a state are
failedonly failed conne c ti on s
aisconnections with alarm indi catio n sig nal (AI S) set
abitconnections on which an A-bit error has occurred
okconnections with no problems
downconnections that are administra tively d own b eca use a user has
executed dncon to down the connectio n
-owner Specifies connections where the l o cal en dp o in t is e ither master or slave.
-sc Specifies the service class: ABR, VBR, CBR, UBR.