Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands cnfpnni-node
-nodeId Specify the PNNI nodeidentifier assigned to a PNNI node. The node-id
consists of the PNNI hierarchy l evel (- level) followed by the le ngth of the
ATM address (addaddr length) followed by the ATM address (-atmAddr).
Note Before you change the node ID, you must first use the
cnfpnni-node command one time with the parameter string
-enable false to disable the node. After changing the node ID,
run the command wi th the parameter stri ng - en able true.
As shown in Figure5-6, -nodeId is a 22-byte, formatted hexadecimal string.
Like all PNNI addresses, identifiers, a nd pr efixes, t hi s value i s portrayed as
a string of hexadecimal nibbles. One or several pairs of nibbles enta il e ach
parameter field.
Default: Figure5-6 shows the factory-set default.
-pgId All members of a peer group have the same peer group identifier (pgID) and
exist on the same level. (The leve l i s ei th er t he existing number of bits or
whatever you specify with -level level).
The default value of level is 56 (7 bytes), which specifie s the length of -pgId
to 7 bytes. However, the maximum length of -pgId is 14bytes, so disp lay
commands always show -pgId as 14 byte s w it h tr ai ling zeros filling the
undefined fields. If you increase the value of level, you change the length,
and therefore the value, of -pgId, but it will always be display ed as 14 bytes.
Before you change the value of pg -id, disable the node by entering
cnfpnni-node-enable false.
This is a 14-byte, for m a t ted hexadecimal string.
Default: Figure5-6 shows the factory-set default.
-enable Specify the administrative status of the PNNI node. Before you change a
node ATM address, node ID, peer group ID, or hierarchical level, the node
must be disabled.
true:Enable the node.
false:Disable the node.
Default: true
-transitRestricted Specify whether connections can transit this node. You can disallow via
connections for security reas ons , t o min im ize traffic supported by either a
low bandwidth node or a highly critical node, and so on.
on: This node allows via connections.
off: Via connections cannot tran s it th is n o de .
Default: off