Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands addpnni-summary-addr
Usage Guidelines
The PNNI summary address table information comes from the internal data base (IDB). If you change
or create a PNNI summary address, a topology state packet carries the information to the IDB. The
summary address table updates i tself from the IDB.
node-index The node index indicates the relative position of the logical node within a
multi-peer group on the swit ch. The range is 110, and the lowest level is 1. If you
do not have the node inde x, us e dsppnni-node to see a list of all logical no des and
node indexes on the cu rre nt sw it ch. I n the cu rre nt rel e ase , the v a lu e of node-index
must be 1.
Range: 110
Default: 1
addressprefix The summary address assigned to the node. The length of addressprefix is the
value of p refixlength.
As shown in Figure5-5, addressprefix is a formatted hexadecimal string.
Default: The default is t he fir s t 13 bytes of the atm-addr.
prefixlength Specify the length of the address-prefix in bits. The range is 1152 bits. You
configure PNNI routing to look at a spe c ifi c lengt h i n the a ddr ess, so th e len gt h of
the PNNI summary address is al so co nfigu ra bl e. F o r exam p le , if y ou co n figur e a
node with an 88-bit PNNI sum m ar y ad dres s, th at n ode sets up a call from any
addresses that matches the first 88 bits. The number of addresses that a PNNI
summary address can include is inversely related to the length of the PNNI
summary addressa shorter summary add ress can include more addresses than a
shorter prefix.
In the current release, the zero -l en gt h sum mary address is not supported.
Range: 1152 bits
Default: none
-type Specify the type o f th e PN N I s u mm ar y ad d re s s, e ither exterior or internal.
internal: The summary add re s s in cl udes only addresses that ar e w it h in th e peer
exterior: The summary address incl udes addresses that are outside the pee r group.
Default: internal
-suppress Specify whether the summary address is advertised to other nodes
false: The summary address is advertised (is not suppressed).
true: The summary address is not advertised (is suppressed).
Default: false