Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter6 Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Commands
Related Commands
dsppnportrsrc, dsppnport
Description of the dsppnports Connection S um m aries
This section contains the following:
1. A list identifies all fields in the c on n ect io n s um m ary part of the display.
2. A simple network descrip tion illustrates how an SPV C in a three-node network would appear in the
summary part of the display.
3. A description of the summary fo r a DAX co nn ec ti on follows the SPVC explanation.
The list of summary fields follows:
Tota l point-to-point or point-to-multipoint connections
SVCC, switched virtual chann el co nn ec tio n s
SVPC, switched virtual path conn ec tion s
SPVCD, semi-permanent virtual chan nel DAX connec tion s
SPVPD, semi-permanent virtual path DAX connections
SPVCR, active (routed) semi-permanent virtual circuits
SPVPR, active (routed) semi-permanent virtual paths
Total of all the preceding types
Configured SPVC endpoints for either point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections
SPVCD, semi-permanent virtual chan nel DAX connec tion s
SPVPD, semi-permanent virtual path DAX connections
SPVCR, active (routed) semi-permanent virtual circuits
SPVPR, active (routed) semi-permanent virtual paths
Totals for the preceding types
EnableNotUp This port is not accessible due to hardware.
UpAndNormal This port is physically up, and the protocol is enabled.
Log: nolog State: active, standby Privilege: ANYUSER