Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands
Display Contents for the dsppnni-node-list CommandThis section describes the cont en ts o f a node list. For a multi-peer group ( no t ap pl ic ab le in th e c urrent
release), it also desc r i be s how the display chang e s f rom one level of a hiera r ch y to a higher level.
Although the description rela tes primarily to the example of a multi- peer network diagram in Figure 5-8,
the information also substanti all y ap pl ie s to the example SPG that follows t h e M PG exa m p le. Th e
diagram in Figure 5-8 reflects the MPG d isp lay in the Example section.
The paragraphs that follow describe the progression in node numbers, levels, and the node index
appended to the switch name in an MPG network.Refer to Figure 5-8.
1. The display shows all network nodes that are known to the lowest level. These nodes consist of all
nodes in the peer group, all nodes on the level of its parent node, all nodes on the level of its
grandparent, and so on. Th e M PG shown in the Example s ect io n illustrates this concept.
The numbers in the “node #” column begin with 1—which is the local n o de its elf—then continues
with the next learned node, and so on. The node# increases by 1 with each discovered node.
2. When the sequence re-starts with node # 1, the display has begun showing the view from the next
higher node in the hierarchy. At this next higher level, node # 1 is the current node itself, which has
made its own list of nodes. The display continues with peer group members of that level, the
members of the pare nt’s group, the grandparent and memb er s of th e gr andp ar ent’s group, and so on.
The MPG in the Example section i llustrates this progression.
node# The node number (node #) is a reference to the nodes in the network—not a node in
the hierarchy of an MPG on a swi tch (see the dsppnni-node description for detail s
about node index). The entity that has this view an d co mpiles this list of node
numbers is a local logical node. The node numbers have a range of 1–256. Node #
1 is the logical node that is m aking its list of network no des. In an MPG list, multiple
instances of node # 1 appear because the logical node at each level sees itself as
node # 1. Also, each node in a mu lt i- peer gr oup has inform ati on f or nod es in i ts peer
group but also for all nodes on the level of its parent, grandparent, and so on. See
Figure5-8 an d th e Exa mp le section.
Whether a node belongs to a single-peer group or a multi-peer group, each logical
node increments node # by 1 according to the seq uence t hat it di scove rs othe r nodes .
The paragraphs that follow this list give more details about the node number
sequence for a multi-peer group.
You can only vie w a nod e numbe r in a pp lic able di spl ays or prov id e it as a com mand
parameter. For example, you can provide a node number to the dsppnni-path
nodeid The node-id consists of the level, the length of the ATM address, an d th e ATM
address itself.
nodename The name of the switch (not the name of a logical node). The root of this node name
results from the cnfname command. If a dash number fo llo ws the node number , that
number is the node index that pertains to the hierarchy of nodes on the switch. For
this command, a numb e r i s ap pe nded only for nodes ab ove t he lowest level on the
level The level is set through addpnni-node or cnfpnni-node. It has a rang e o f 1–104
and a default of 56.