Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Commands cnfxbarerrthresh
Usage Guidelines for cnfxbarerrthresh
You can change the threshold for only one type of error at a time. Also, you must enter all parameters
of the threshold whether or not you change them. For example, if you want to change only the duration
of errored milliseconds, you must include the existing parameters. Therefore, you probably need to
execute dspxbarerrthresh before cnfxbarerrthresh.
Related Commands
For Loss of Sync, set the clear count for critical alarms to 200.
pop20two.7.PXM.a > cnfxbarerrthresh 1 2000 2 200 301
In the sequence of co mmand and arguments , the only value that di ffers from the existing threshold is the
clear count of 200. If the operation is su cce s sfu l, th e sys t em d is p lay s th e er r or th r es h ol d for th e ty p e of
error you specifiedLoss of Sync in this example.
pop20two System Rev: 02.01 Dec. 05, 2000 02:29:17 GMT
MGX8850 Node Alarm: MAJOR
Thresh -- MINOR -- -- MAJOR -- -- CRITICAL --
Device Error Time Clear Alarm Clear Alarm Clear Alarm
Type (msec) Count Count Count Count Count Count
-------------------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
LossOfSync 2000 0 3 4 15 200 301
almcnt The number o f e r r or s f o r a n a l ar m severity above which th e alarm goes to the nex t
highest severity.
Log: log State: active Privilege: SERVICE_GP