Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter2 Shelf Management Commands
Telnet to another switch
The telnet command lets you d ir ec tly tel net to another switch from the curr en t C LI session. Therefore,
you do not have to exit the current CLI session and start a new telnet session to reac h anothe r switc h.
This command requir es 2.1 or higher so ft ware.
No limit exists on the number of telnet hops you can take from an individual CLI session. However, an
individual node has a limit of 15 telnet sessions. Therefore, a limit of 15 users can start telnet sessions.
Cards on Which Command Exec utes
telnet [-E <escape character>] [-R <traceroute character>] <ip addr>
[[0x|X|x] <tcp port>]
Syntax Description
Related Commands
exit, bye
-E (Optional.) The escape character for te rmi n ati ng th e n ext tel ne t s essi on in the chain.
The purpose of the escape seque nc e (E sc key th en esc ape character) is to terminate
the telnet attempt if the des t in ati on n o de is unable to accept the tel ne t session for
reasons such as: the destination switch is down or unreachable; its in backup boot
mode; or it detects that TCP communication is down. If you use the escape sequence,
the session falls back to the fir st s wi tch in the telnet chain. The def au lt valu e f o r
escape character is Q.
-R (Optional.) The charac ter f or t ri ggeri ng a pri nt ou t of de tail s for al l su cce ssi v e hops in
the telnet session. The defau lt valu e f o r th e traceroute character is g.
ip addr The IP address of the next switch in t he ch ai n.
tcp port (Optional.) The destination tcp port. The default TCP port is identical t o t he
destination telnet port. M os t ap pl ic ations call for the defaul t.
In addition, by default yo u c an enter the number in de cimal format, but you can a ls o
enter the optional TCP port address in hexadecimal format by preceding the TCP
destination with any one of the strings 0x, X, or x.
Log: no log State: active, standby, init Privilege: ANYUSER