Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter5 PNNI Commands cnfpnni-node
Configure PNNI Nodemodify parameters for an existing PNNI node.
The node-level cnfpnni-node command lets you:
Modify the parameters of an existing logical node.
Enable or disable a node. This ability applies to:
Parameters that require the node to be disabled before you can modify them (if you do not
modify parameters that require a disabled node, you can modify one or more parameters with
one execution of cnfpnni-node).
A situation where you created th e n o de in t he disabled state with addpnni-node.
The node configuration and state parameters you can modify are as follows:
The ATM addressrequires the node to be disabled
The level of the node within the hierar c hyrequires the node to be disabled
The node IDrequires the node to be disabled
The peer group IDrequires the node to be disabled
Whether the node is the lowest node in the hierarchy
The state of the nodeenable d or dis abl ed
Whether connections can trans i t t hi s n od e
Whether or not the node is complex
Whether the node supports point-to-multipoint connections
The preceding parameters appear as optional parameters in the syntax. The only required parameter for
this command is the local node index. In the current release, the only node index is 1.
Note When this command runs, existing calls are not affected . Mo d ifie d par am e ter s ap pl y to new rou ti n g
after the command finishes.

Disabling a Node When Required

For some of parameters, you must first disable the node. Applicable parameters are the:
ATM a dd re s s
Node ID
Peer group ID
For these parameters, three execution s o f cnfpnni-node are necessary:
1. cnfpnni-node -enable false
2. cnfpnni-node (change parameters, including those that do not require a disabled node)
3. cnfpnni-node -enable true
Be sure to synchronize applicable changes (such a change in level) throughout the network and follow
up with dsppnni-node or other applic able display command s.